ancientbschamp Mar 18, 2012 19:04
wtf: random war gods, yaxi time, ancient somewhere or other, eli, ares, amarice the replacement scrappy, wtf: not in classical kansas any more, wtf: monks who own hot tubs, wtf: making history weep, s5, new xenaland, kal (who?), xena: totally a jedi, yeah sure it's *sub*text, [s5: chakram], xena, joxer, wtf: xena *is* a jedi, wtf: chakram retcon
ancientbschamp Jan 03, 2011 23:12
is can be rift tiemz zoon?, lao ma, new xenaland, wtf: use the force xena, xena, wtf: xena *is* a jedi, ming t'ien, [s2: the debt], s2, wtf: tao te ching